Liechtenstein Prime Minister

Liechtenstein a country in Europe. It is the fourth smallest country in Europe and the sixth smallest in the world. It has a dimension of 24.8Km at the longest distance, 12.5Km at the widest. It has a total geographical area of 160Km sequared of which 41% is Wooded area, 31% Agricultural, 15% Unproductive and 10% is settlement area. It has a total population of 35,356 and Vaduz is its capital city.

The principality of Liechtenstein is a hereditary constitutional monarchy, based on a democratic and parliamentary system. Power lies with the Prince and the people and is exercised by both in accordance with the provisions of their constitution. The government is a Five Member governement nominated by the parliament and appointed by the Prince for four years. The head of Government is Otmar Hasler (FBP)

PAF has been supported by Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) from 2003 for its programme activities in Southern Province. LED was founded in 1965 and it is a private-law fundation to the people and governement of Liechtenstein. It provides official development aid on behalf of Liechtenstein’s government; works especially in rural regions in the fields of education, health and rural development; gives priority to gender issues, soucial justice and the governement in all rspects.

It is from this background that PAF had the previledge of hosting the Prime Minister Otmar Hasler on 4th March 2009 through our partner LED from Liechtenstein. The entourage included Mrs. Hasler-Hilti (Wife of the Prime Minister), Mr. Josef Biedermann, LED President; & his Wife Mrs. Josefina Biedermann; Dr. Rudolf Batliner, LED Secretary General’ Mrs. Ute Mayer, LED Desk Officer – Africa; Mrs. Elizabeth Atzinger, LED Representative for Southern Africa – based in Harare.

They visited the PAF programme in Nega Nega – Mazabuka. It was a joyous moment for the people of Nega Nega.


Prime Minister Otmar Hasler (right) & his Wife Mrs. Traudi Hasler-Hilti (middle)
Dr. Rudolf Batliner (left) LED General Secretary


After introductions it was followed by a song and testimonies from some beneficiaries of the LED supported programmes. Some of the members who gave testimonies were Enala Mwiinga 68 years, Everlyn Siazele 67 years and Abigail Kalonga 38 who were trained in various skills such as pump mending, organic farming, reading and writing to name but a few. They were happy that they had been equiped with life skills that have helped in uplifting their livelihoods.

The entourage was led by the Exectuive Director Mrs. Jennifer M. Chiwela and the host in touring the Nega Nega Capacity Building Learning Activity Centre (CABLAC) which was build with support from LED. The entourage proceeded to Mr Muyombo’s village to see vegetable gardens. This is one of the many families which benefited from the organic farming training which PAF through LED conducted. Alice Muyombo a Reflect Facilitator demonstrated her skill through this big healthy organic garden.





Ute Mayer (LED) taking photo’s during the visit to the gardens, a glance of the healthy vegetables in Nega Nega

The Prime Minister said he was happy to spend time with people in Nega Nega and to see that the money sent is being used for its intended purpose and said thank you in the local language, Twalumba.

Some of the products made by the local people learnt through the skills training

Visit to the Nega Nega Community School by the Prime Minister

On Arrival at Nega Nega CABLAC

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