Engaging the aged in development

The aged have been sidelined in many spheres of development despite the valuable knowledge and experience they possess. PAF has been working with a group of Grandmothers who are guardians to their orphaned grandchildren . The grandmothers realized that they have a pivotal role to play in raising children that hold the future of this world. They struggle to meet the basic needs of these children but through their collective efforts in small income generating enterprises they have been able to meet the needs of the children. PAF has facilitated this supported through the Rotary Clubs of Keilor and Hawthorne of Australia.

granny1PAF has engaged these wise old women in the process of development by supporting them through material incentives that ease their efforts to look after OVCs. The Grandmothers provide education, food, shelter and protection to children who seemed to have no future.

Grandmothers rejoiced when they received new mattresses and second hand clothes
granny2Their wisdom and experiences have been used as a springboard to finding better ways of helping children to grow up into responsible beings who will greatly contribute to the development of Zambia and the world at large.

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